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Data Points

Stories, not statistics.

Posts from Data Points

Business Is a Big Draw for International Students in the U.S.

A new study looks more deeply into the data about foreign students to find out where they came from, what they studied, and whether they stayed.

Digging Through Data for the Real Story on Student Loans

At first glance, new Education Department numbers show that half of borrowers aren’t paying on time. But a closer look shows something more complicated.

What Does $75-Million Mean to the NCAA?

The terms of the tentative agreement to settle a lawsuit over concussions are unlikely to break the association’s bank.

How to Lie With Education Data, Part 2

We often assume that data are inherently truthful, but a recent New York Times article on student debt shows how statistics can be open to different interpretations.

How to Lie With Education Data, Part 1

A few examples in the last week demonstrate the truth in a quote oft attributed to Mark Twain: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

Tuition and Fees Rise, but Cost of Living—by Colleges’ Estimate—Falls

In two years, the cost of books and other expenses dropped by about 4 percent at four-year colleges. Really?

Student-Debt Debate Is Stoked by Caveats About Data

Is rising student-loan debt an existential crisis in American higher education or the natural outcome of more Americans’ pursuing a college degree?

Is There a Crisis in Computer-Science Education?

The proportion of bachelor’s-degree recipients in computer science in 2011-12 was lower than in 1985-86.

How Much Does It Cost to Recruit a Star Athlete?

Four colleges that courted Marvin Clark spent an average of $310,000 on men’s basketball recruiting in 2012-13.

Racial Gaps in Attainment Widen, as State Support for Higher Ed Falls

In the federal government’s annual “Condition of Education” report, most of the news isn’t good.
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