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Professional-Development Resources

Continuing professional development is a key factor in keeping up with the ever-changing landscape of academia and supporting faculty, institutional, and student success. The Chronicle’s resources are dedicated to promoting those goals — and advancing academic careers — through strategic-leadership and skills-based training. Find development programs, high-level issue briefs, and critical insights for academic leaders here.

The Chronicle’s Strategic-Leadership Program for Department Chairs

Virtual Leadership Program for Department Chairs

The Chronicle will host a program designed to empower department chairs with tools for individual and departmental growth. This comprehensive leadership program includes strategy workshops to identify shared challenges, seminars with experienced academic practitioners, opportunities for collaborative peer discussion, and implementation workshops to produce individualized development plans for the upcoming year.

Featured Video Series: Navigating the Role of Department Chair

  • Managing Up

    Carolyn Dever tackles how managing up is a challenge for all department chairs, and how to navigate these difficulties, providing pro tips on how to approach your dean or provost. Video provided by Dever Justice LLC.
  • The Chair’s Role in the Continuing Pandemic

    George Justice discusses how department chairs are continuing to deal with Covid on campus, and how they’re dealing with the added pressures of leading through the pandemic. Video provided by Dever Justice LLC.
  • Order and Chaos

    George Justice discusses the role of the academic-department chair, a position requiring patience, stamina, intelligence, vision, and sensitivity. He introduces The Chronicle’s Strategic Leadership Program: Department Chairs. Video provided by Dever Justice LLC.
  • Beyond the Dark Side

    Carolyn asks faculty members to stop shaming their colleagues who step into institutional leadership — faculty governance depends on it. Video provided by Dever Justice LLC.
  • The Associate Professor/Department Chair Conundrum

    George focuses on the complicated professional life of a department chair who is also an associate professor. He provides a tip that might make the job more productive to faculty members still seeking promotion. Video provided by Dever Justice LLC.
  • Reclaiming the Service Trap

    Carolyn recognizes that underrepresented faculty are often tapped for service roles not because of their expertise, but because of what they represent. She provides strategic advice about how faculty can do well for themselves as they do well for their institutions. Video provided by Dever Justice LLC.
  • Work/Life (Im)Balance

    Conceding that work/life balance is a myth, Carolyn Dever offers help for those academics struggling to manage the chaos of work/life imbalance. Video provided by Dever Justice LLC.
  • Advice

    Managing Conflict as a Department Chair

    Department chairs often find themselves in the role of “faculty whisperer,” trying to solve conflicts that can be decades in the making. George Justice provides a tip on how chairs can improve their skills and understand their role. Video provided by Dever Justice LLC.

Research Briefs